Wow!  What a year! I am so excited for all the upcoming projects, web series, and events of 2014.  However, since auld acquaintances shall not be forget, let’s spend a brief moment reminiscing about some of the great stuff experienced in good old, action-packed 2013.  I promise to only give you a brief overview!!!

Here are some of the highlights from last year!

I was cast in The Boom Boom Girls of Wrestling, playing the spunky role of Sara Brite.  The cast and crew were selected to be panelists at Stan Lee’s Comicaze, which was an amazing experience with some of the most dedicated fans of fantasy, horror, and sci-fi in the world.  Fun was had all around!

boom boom pr shotgroup photo





I roller skated to my heart’s content with the team at Smart Songs, a group that makes hip-hop tunes for children about government and history.  We had a party…a political party!!!!

sarah on skates

Keep your eyes peeled for my comedy short, A Good Catch, which is in the final stages of editing and due out this year!  I play Shelly, a young woman who is having her parents over to meet her fiancé for the first time!  We had a blast filming and the puppet was amazing!

Family at Brunch

Jeff and Sarah

I was really excited to become a part of the the commercial department at Bobby Ball Agency!  What a fantastic group of people!  Here I am at their Christmas party with a couple of fellow actors, including my friend, Rayshell Curtis!

BBA Holiday 1

Much good health and success to all of you for the coming new year!!!  I’ll keep you posted!  xoxo Sarah